
更新时间:2021-04-19 11:04点击:








一月:January,是公历月份的第一个月, 复数形式为Januaries, 缩写形式为Jan.
Her little daughter was born in January.她的小女儿是一月出生的。
We always have snow in January.我们这儿1月份总会下雪。
I was born on January 11.我生于一月十一日。
二月:February,是公历月份的第二个月, 复数形式为Februaries, 缩写形式为Feb.
February has twenty-eight days.2月份有28天。
I was born in February.我是2月生的。
The rumors were confirmed on February 11th.谣言在2月11日得以证实。
三月:March,是公历月份的第三个月, 复数形式为Marches, 缩写形式为Mar.
The election could be held as early as next March.选举可能最早明年3月份就要开始。
Manufacturing orders fell in march.三月份制造业订单有所下降。
They returned from Beijing to Haikou on Mar. 19.他们3月19日从北京回到了海口。
四月:April,是公历月份的第四个月, 复数形式为Aprils, 缩写形式为Apr.
April is the time to plant trees.四月是种树的时候。
The study began in April 2005.这项研究开始于2005年4月。
The killer was executed on April 28th.杀手4月28日被处决。
五月:May,是公历月份的第五个月, 复数形式为Mays, 缩写形式为May.
May 1 is International Labor Day.“五一”是国际劳动节。
Mother's day is the second Sunday in May.母亲节是五月第二个星期天。
It happened on May the sixth.事情发生在5月6日。
六月:June,是公历月份的第六个月, 复数形式为Junes, 缩写形式为Jun.
This weather is exceptional for June.六月里这样的天气是反常的。
In June the permits were granted at last.在六月份他们最终拿到了许可证。
They returned to pyongyang on June 17.他们于6月17日返回平壤。
七月:July,是公历月份的第七个月, 复数形式为Julies, 缩写形式为Jul.
July is the hottest month in a year in my hometown.在我的家乡,七月是一年里最热的一月。
New England had frosts in July.七月的新英格兰地区还在霜冻。
What did the suspect do on July ninth? 嫌疑犯在七月九日做了什么事情?
八月:August,是公历月份的第8个月, 复数形式为Augusts, 缩写形式为Aug.
August is a typical vacation time.八月往往是度假的季节。
His summer vacation will end in the late August.他的暑假将于八月底结束。
The carnage on August 8th was worse.8月8日的大规模骚乱更加严重。
九月:September,是公历月份的第9个月, 复数形式为Septembers, 缩写形式为Sep.
We've had to put our wedding off until September. 我们得把婚礼延期到九月举行。
The temperature drops in September. 气温在九月间下降。
They returned to Moscow on 22 September 1930. 他们在1930年9月22日回到莫斯科。
十月:October,是公历月份的第10个月, 复数形式为Octobers, 缩写形式为Oct.
October the first is the National Day of China. 十月一日是中国的国庆节。
His book is due to be published in October. 他的书预定十月份出版。
The first plane is due to leave on October 2. 第一架飞机定于10月2号起飞。
十一月:November,是公历月份的第11个月, 复数形式为Novembers, 缩写形式为Nov.
November is the high tourist season for southeast Asia. 十一月是东南亚旅游的旺季。
They will get married in November. 他们十一月要结婚。
This was corrected on November 7th 2011. 更正于2011年11月7日。
十二月:December,是公历月份的第12个月, 复数形式为Decembers, 缩写形式为Dec.
Here it is December and New Year is coming.现在是十二月,新年就要来了。
My little daughter was born in December.我的小女儿是十二月出生的。
The law expires on December 31st.该法将于12月31日到期。




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