• 实用体育英语:奥运村 2013-04-27 17:14:21
    Could you please briefly describe the Olympic Village? 请简要介绍一下奥运村的情况好吗? Yes. There are two parts in the Olympic Village, an nternational area for public activities and a residential area. 是的。奥运村有两部分,即供公共活动用... 【阅读全文】
  • 实用体育英语:抽签 2013-04-26 17:16:00
    How many countries and regions will compete in the competition? 有多少个国家和地区参加比赛? 16 countries and regions. 16个国家和地区。 How do we make the groupings? 如何分组? Well use a draw to do so. 我们将用抽签的办法分组。 How about the... 【阅读全文】
  • 实用体育英语:会议内容 2013-04-26 17:13:03
    What are the topics of the meeting today? 今天会议的内容是什么? Well talk about the rules and the competition method. 我们要谈谈关于规则和比赛方法的问题。 Could you explain in a specific way? 您能否解释得具体一点? Sure. Basically well adop... 【阅读全文】
  • 实用体育英语:介绍与会者 2013-04-25 15:41:28
    Now, Id like to declare the meeting open. Welcome to the meeting. 现在我宜布会议开始。欢迎各队参加这次会议。 May I ask a question? 我可以提一个问题吗? Sorry, I shall first make an introduction of the responsible people present on the platf... 【阅读全文】
  • 实用体育英语:会议通知 2013-04-25 15:37:29
    Some people say that we will have a technical meeting before the competition. 有人说我们在比赛之前要召开一个技术会议。 Yes. Ive got the notice of the meeting already. All the team leaders and coaches are requested to attend. 是的,我已经接... 【阅读全文】
  • 实用体育英语:工作程序 2013-04-24 17:26:29
    How shall we start our organizational work? 我们如何开始组织工作? First of all, you should hold an organizing committee meeting. 首先,你们应该召开一个组织委员会会议。 For what? 开会的目的是什么? At its first meeting, the leaders of the or... 【阅读全文】
  • 实用体育英语:办赛机构 2013-04-24 17:21:04
    Hi, what kind of organizations for running a competition should we set up? 您好,举办一个比赛我们应该设置什么样的办赛机构? You should set up an organizing committee first. 你们首先应该成立一个组织委员会。 What kind of people should be on t... 【阅读全文】
  • 实用体育英语:中国传统体育 2013-04-23 17:25:15
    China is an ancient country and you must have a lot of traditional sports. 中国是一个古老的国家,你们一定会有很多的传统体育。 Yes. There are a lot, such as wushu, qigong, dragon boat, dragon and lion dance, yangge, shuttlecock and so on.... 【阅读全文】
  • 实用体育英语:全民健身 2013-04-23 17:13:10
    Could you tell me something about the sport for all in China? 您能告诉我关于中国群众体育的一些情况吗? Sure. You probably know that a growing keep-fit fever is sweeping over China. 当然可以。您也许知道,日益兴起的健身热正在席卷整个中国。 I... 【阅读全文】
  • 体育常用词语:技术与战术 2013-04-22 08:42:36
    1.技术 technique, skill 2.基本功 basic (Fundamental, elementary) skill, fundamentals, basics, rudiments, ABC 3.技术水平 technical (athletic) level (standard), standard of performance, level of play 4.战术 tactics 5.战术配合 teamwork 6.灵活... 【阅读全文】
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