
更新时间:2013-07-20 17:26点击:




职称英语卫生A类模拟试题与答案    下载


  • 单项选择题。
    1.Some insects rely on the tiny hairs scattered over their bodies to sense sound waves.
    A. amplify
    B. disguise
    C. send
    D. detect
    2.Experiments enable young scientists to judge accurately what must be accepted and what must be viewed with suspicion.
    A. doubt
    B. belief
    C. curiosity
    D. judgment
    3.Please let me know if any problems arise.
    A. become
    B. occur
    C. raise
    D. arouse
    4.The current edition of that magazine discusses the ancient civilization of Latin America.
    A. first
    B. latest
    C. old
    D. special
    5.Your father is furious about the damage you have done to the flower beds.
    A. angry
    B. anxious
    C. uncertain
    D. worried
    6.She undertakes to verify the true source of the rumor.
    A. tries
    B. decides
    C. promises
    D. refuses
    7.The earthquake has caused serious damage to this city.
    A. destruction
    B. hurt
    C. injury
    D. wound
    8.Her voice is distinct and unique. You can tell her voice immediately.
    A. common
    B. species
    C. specific
    D. special
    9.The students had a lot of trouble concentrating on their study because of the noise from the construction out side.
    A. focusing
    B. carrying out
    C. paying for
    D. continuing with
    10.Professor Clark continued his research work and disregarded his colleague's advice.
    A. ignored
    B. explored
    C. realized
    D. recognized
    11.High pay may enhance productivity.
    A. confirm
    B. improve
    C. determine
    D. supplement
    12.Capital punishment was abolished some years ago in some states of the U.S.
    A. created
    B. decorated
    C. improved
    D. eliminated
    13.It is taken for granted that a piano without any defects would produce very grand music.
    A. dislikes
    B. incidents
    C. faults
    D. merits
    14.The train stopped abruptly, making us wonder where we were.
    A. all of a sudden
    B. fast
    C. slowly
    D. quickly
    15.A central objective of the developed country was to alleviate the problems of the urban poor.
    A. lessen
    B. identify
    C. overcome
    D. regulate




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