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剑桥雅思词汇     下载 
  1. abandon   vt.丢弃;放弃,抛弃
            习惯用语:abandon oneself to 沉湎于
            经典例句:He abandoned himself to game. 他沉迷于游戏。
  1. abash     v.使困窘;使局促不安
            习惯用语:stand abashed;be/feel abashed 感到羞愧;局促不安  
            经典例句:When the child see the room filled with stranger,he is much abashed. 那小孩一看到满屋子都是陌生人,感到非常局促不安。
  1. abate     v.减弱 
            习惯用语:abate a tax 减税
            经典例句:We must abate the noise pollution in our city. 我们必须消除我们城市里的噪音污染。
  1. abbreviate  v.缩减
              习惯用语:to abbreviate the December to Dec. 把December简写为Dec.
              经典例句:The United States of America is commonly abbreviated to U.S.A. 美利坚合众国常被缩略为U.S.A.。
  1. abdicate    v.退位,放弃(职位,权力等)
              习惯用语:abdicate a right 放弃权利  to abdicate the office 辞职  to abdicate one's responsibilities 放弃责任
  1. abduct      vt.诱拐,绑架
              经典例句:The robber abduct the heiress and hold her to ransom. 强盗劫持了女继承人并向她索取赎金。
  1. abet        v.唆使;帮助
              习惯用语:abet the commission of a crime 教唆犯罪
              经典例句:He is abet in these illegal activities by his friend. 他受朋友怂恿进行这些非法活动。
  1. abhorrent   a.可恶的,格格不入的
              习惯用语:be abhorrent to 和某人(意见)不合
              经典例句:Such an act is abhorrent to my sense of right. 这种行为是我的正义感所不能容忍的。
  1. abide       vt.遵守;忍受
              习惯用语:abide by 遵守……
  1. ability     n.能力;能耐,本领
              习惯用语:to the best of one's ability 竭尽全力
              经典例句:We found him work more suited to his ability.我们为他找到了更容易发挥他才能的工作。
  1. abnormal    a.不正常的;变态的
               经典例句:We do not think such an abnormal phenomenon will last long. 我们认为这样的反常现象不会持续很久。
  1. abolish     vt.废除,取消
               习惯用语:abolish capital punishment 废除死刑
               经典例句:The ancient Olympics was abolished in 393 AD. 古代奥运会在公元393年取消。
  1. aboriginal  a.土著的   n.土生动植物
  2. abort       v.取消;流产
  3. aboard      ad.在船/车上;上船
               习惯用语:welcome aboard 请上船/车/飞机
  1. abound      vi.多,大量存在,富于,充满
               习惯用语:abound with/in sth. 有大量;富于
               经典例句:Natural resources abound in the area. 这个地区自然资源丰富。




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