
更新时间:2022-06-09 11:07点击:







Lesson 96
 (1) T: I went to Beijing a year ago. What about you?我去年去了北京,你呢?
S: I shall go to Beijing in a year's time.我将会在一年后去北京。
(2) T: Tom flew to Stockholm two weeks ago. What about Penny?汤姆两周前飞往斯德哥尔摩,彭妮呢?
S: She will fly to Stockholm in two weeks' time.她将在两周后飞往斯德哥尔摩
(3)T: Frank and Alan returned to Tokyo two days ago. What about you and Jean?弗兰克和艾伦两天前回了东京,你和琼呢?
S: We shall return to Tokyo in two days' time.我们将在两天后回东京、
4 T: You went to Sydney a month ago. What about me?你一个月前去了悉尼,我呢?
S: You will go to Sydney in a month's time.你将在一个月后去悉尼。
5 T: A train left for Geneva an hour ago. What about the next train?火车一个小时前去了日内瓦,下一列呢?
S: It will leave for Geneva in an hour's time.它将在一个小时后前往日内瓦。
6 T: Alice flew to Rome two days ago. What about you?爱丽丝两天前飞往罗马,你呢?
S: I shall fly to Rome in two days' time.我将在两天后飞往罗马、
7 T: Tom and M ary went to London an hour ago. What about you and Jean?汤姆和玛丽一个小时前去了伦敦,你和简呢?
S: We shall go to London in an hour's time.我们将在一个小时后去伦敦
8 T : A plane left for Berlin three hours ago. What about the next plane?三个小时前一架飞机飞往了柏林,下一架飞机呢?
S: It will leave for Berlin in three hours' time.它将在三个小时后飞往柏林、
9 T: Smith returned to New York a year ago. What about Jones?史密斯一年前回到纽约,琼斯呢?
S: He will return to New York in a year's time.他将在一年后回到纽约。
10 T : Janet returned from Paris six weeks ago. What about her husband?珍妮特六周前从巴黎回来。她丈夫呢?
S: He will return from Paris in six weeks' time.他将在六周后从巴黎回来。
Lesson 98
(1) T: Look at number 1. Are these your keys?这些是你的钥匙吗?
S: Yes, they're mine. 是的,它们是我的,They belong to me.它们属于我。
(2) T: Number 2. Is this John's letter?这是约翰的信吗?
S: Yes, it's his. 是的,是他的,It belongs to him.它属于他。
(3) T: Number 3. Are these my clothes?这些事我的衣服吗?
S: Yes, they're yours. 是的,是你的。They belong to you.他们属于你、
4 T: Number 4. Is this Jane's passport?这是珍妮的护照吗??
S: Yes, it's hers. 是的,是她的,It belongs to her.它属于她。
5 T: Number 5. Are these their tickets?这些是他们的票、
S: Yes, they're theirs. 是的,是他们的、They belong to them.它们属于他们。
6 T: Number 6. Is this your watch?这是你的表吗?
S: Yes, it's mine. 是的,是我的, It belongs to me.它属于我。
7 T: Number 7. Are these her flowers?这些事她的花吗?
S: Yes, they're hers. 是的,是她的。They belong to her.它们属于她。
8 T: Number 8. Is this my boat?这是我的船吗?
S: Yes, it's yours. 是的,是你的。 It belongs to you.它属于你,
9 T: Number 9. Is this Jim's phrase book?这是吉姆的短语书吗?
S: Yes, it's his. 是的,是他的。It belongs to him.它属于他。
10 T: Number 10. Are these hammers Frank's and Harry's?这些锤子是弗兰克和亨利的吗?
S: Yes, they're theirs. 是的,是他们的,They belong to them.它们属于他们。
11 T: Number 11. Is this our car?这是我们的车吗?
S: Yes, it's ours. 是的,是我们的。It belongs to us.它属于我们、
12 T: Number 12. Are these the children's pens?这些是孩子的钢笔吗?
S: Yes, they're theirs. 是的,是他们的。They belong to them.它们属于他。





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