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Lesson 120
(1) T: Did you read the book?你读了这本书吗?
Yes; but I saw the film first.是的,但是我先看了电影。
S: I read the book after I had seen the film.我在看了电影以后读了这本书。
(2) T: Did you go to the doctor?你去看医生了吗?
Yes, but I made an appointment first.是的,但是我先预约了。
S: I went to the doctor after I had made an appointment.我先预约然后去看了医生,
(3) T: Did the boss leave the office?老板离开办公室了吗?
Yes, but he finished his work first.是的,但是他先完成了工作。
S: He left the office after he had finished his work.他完成了工作以后离开了办公室。
4 T: Did your wife go out?你妻子出去了吗?
Yes, but she finished the housework first.是的,但是她先做完了家务。
S: She went out after she had finished the housework.她做完家务以后出了门、
5 T: Did your teacher give you your exercise book?你的老师给你发练习本了吗?
Yes, but he corrected it first.是的,他先改正了错误、
S: He gave me my exercise book after he had corrected it.他改正了以后发给我练习本。
6 T: Did your sister go on holiday?你妹妹去度假了吗?
Yes, but she took the examination first.是的,但是她先参加了考试。
S: She went on holiday after she had taken the examination.她参加完考试后去度假了。
7 T: Did you buy a new car?你买了新车吗?
Yes, but I sold my old one first.是的,但是我先卖了旧车。
S: I bought a new car after I had sold my old one.卖了旧车以后我卖了新车。
8 T: Did your mother sweep the floor?你妈妈擦地板了吗?
Yes, but she dusted the cupboard first.是的,但是她先清理了橱柜。
S: She swept the floor after she had dusted the cupboard.清理了橱柜后她擦了地板,
9 T: Did you drink the milk?你喝了牛奶吗?
Yes, but I boiled it first.是的,但是我先把它煮沸了。
S: I drank the milk after I had boiled it. 牛奶煮沸后我才喝。
10 T: Did the children go to bed?孩子们上床睡觉了吗?
Yes, but they had a bath first.是的,但是他们先洗了澡。
S: The children went to bed after they had had a bath.孩子们洗完澡后上床睡觉了。
Lesson 122
(1) T: Isn't he the mechanic?他不是那个技师吗?
        Didn't he repair your car?是他修理你的汽车吗?
S: Yes, he's the mechanic who repaired my car.是的,他就是修理我汽车的技师。
(2) T: Aren't they the thieves?他们不是那些贼吗?
        Didn't the police catch them?警察不是要抓他们吗?
S: Yes, they're the thieves whom the police caught.是的,他们是警察要抓的贼。
(3) T: Isn't that the car? 它不是那辆车吗?
        Didn't you sell it last year?你去年没有卖掉它吗?
S: Yes, that's the car which I sold last year.是的,那是我去年卖掉的那辆车。
4 T: Aren't they the children?他们不是那些孩子吗?
        Don't they live next door?他们不是住在隔壁吗?
S: Yes, they're the children Who live next door.是的,他们是住在隔壁的那些孩子。
5 T: Isn't that the porter? 那不是搬运工吗?
         Didn't he carry your suitcase?他不是帮你提箱了吗?
S: Yes, he's the porter who carried my suitcase.是的,他是帮我提箱子的门卫
6 T : Aren't they the windows? 他们不是那些窗户吗?
        Didn't the children break them yesterday?孩子们昨天不是打碎了它们吗?
S: Yes, they're the Windows which the Children broke yesterday.是的,它们是那些孩子们昨天打碎的窗户。
7 T: Isn't that the coin?那不是那个硬币吗?
        Didn't you find it in the garden?不是你在花园找到的吗?
S: Yes, that's the coin which I found in the garden.是的,那是我在花园找到的硬币。
8 T: Isn't she the woman? 她不是那个女人吗?
        Didn't you drive her to London?不是你开车送她去伦敦的吗?
S: Yes, she's the woman whom I drove to London.是的,她是那个我开车送到伦敦的女人。
9 T: Aren't these the books?那不是那些书吗?
        Didn't you buy them last week?不是你上周买的那些吗?
S: Yes, they're the books which I bought last week.是的,他们是我上周买的那些书。
10 T: Aren't they the people?  他们不是那些人吗?
       Didn't you invite them to your party?你不是邀请他们去聚会的吗?
S: Yes, they're the people whom I invited to my party.是的,他们是我邀请去聚会的人。





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