
更新时间:2013-04-08 17:40点击:





    这类试题主要是对谈话中涉及的场所或谈话所在场所进行提问。当就对话中涉及的场所提问时,原文必提到该地点,要求考生注意听介词后的场所; 如果对话中没有提到地点,只有一些反映地点的关键词,考生就要捕捉关键词,分析对话者在干什么,再判断对话发生在何处。

    Where does the conversation probably take place/happen?
    Where is the man(woman) probably going?
    Where should the man(woman) write to his(her) friend?
    Where are they going next?
    Where will the woman go cn Sunday?
    Where are the two speakers?


    例1. M: Excuse me, I'm looking for the textbook by Professor Jordan for the marketing course?
        W: I'm afraid it's out of stock. You'll have to order it. And it will take the publisher three weeks to send it to us.
        Q: Where did this conversation most probably take place?
        A)At a publishing house.          B) At a bookstore.
        C) In a reading room.             D) In Prof. Jordan's office.

    【解析】本题通过文中的找textbook,可知是个和书有关的场景,可大致推测对话发生在书店。但为保险起见,可以继续往下听。女人说到“out of stock",即“没有库存”的意思,下面的order表示“预订”的意思,最后的“the publisher send”又排除了出版社的可能。所以本题答案为选项B)。

    例2.  M: Where did you say found this bag?
          W: It's lying under a big tree between the park and the apartment building.
          Q: Where did the woman find the bag?
          A)Under a huge tree.           B) Between the two buildings.
          C) In the park.                 D) In his apartment.

    有些有关场所、地点的对话中,提到多个地点,然后就一个地点提问,考生需要根据对话内容进行辨别、判断,选出问题所问的场所。上述例子中,女士的谈话中提到了三个地点:a big tree, the park, the apartment building。但从女士的前半句话中,不难发现under a big tree是正确的地点,后两者都是干扰项。所以正确答案为A)项。

    Bank : bank account, clerk, exchange rate, bank teller, deposit, make a withdrawal, interest rate, credit card

    Post office: mail, package, stamp, air-mail, express. delivery, prepaid, telegram, urgent cable

    Restaurant : order, dessert, menu, bill, rare, medium-rare, salad, pork chop, roast beef, course

    Hotel:check in, check out,ID card, book/reserve a room, bath,vacant beds, double/single room, porter

    Hospital : fever, cough,sore throat,headache, blood-pressure, tablet,pill,prescription, dentist, physician, surgeon, patient

    Library : book shelf, library card,latest issue,catalogue, magazine, novel,check out counter, limit, journal/periodical , overdue

    School : Master's Degree, Bachelor's Degree, course/program, campus, professor, major, mid-term test,final test, lecture, term paper, scholarship, diploma, credit, tuition, school record





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